Sunday, October 25, 2009

Refugee Rights Vigil

Tampa, SIEV X ... Never again
Vigil to Welcome Refugees

Demand a fair deal for asylum seekers
Process the asylum seekers' claims and offer them safety in Australia

Monday 26 October
Federation Square

Bring your own messages of support for the refugees, placards and banners etc.

Organised by Refugee Action Collective. Supported by the Tamil Community.
For information: phone Marie 0409 252673 or Sue 0413-377-978

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Malalai Joya's Greetings to Rally

[Malalai Joya was the youngest member of the Afghan Parliament elected in the 2005 elections. Joya was subsequently suspended from parliament for labelling it full of warlords. Joya is a member of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, her memoir, Raising My Voice was released in October]

Dear Friends,

First of all, I would like to thank all of you who come together today in solidarity with the suffering and ill-fated Afghan people and raise your voice against the wrong and devastating policies of your government in Afghanistan.

Eight years ago, the US and its allies occupied Afghanistan under the nice slogans of “democracy”, “women’s rights” and “freedom” but today we are as far from these values as we were in 2001.

Days after the invasion, the brutal regime of the Taliban was toppled but another bunch of terrorist warlords - the Northern Alliance, who are no different from Taliban, were supported by the West and imposed on our people.

The US and allies promised our people peace and justice, but instead they bombed civilians and changed Afghanistan into the world capital of opium and a military base in Asia. The well-being of our people have no value for them and they are just after their strategic, geo-political and economic interests in Afghanistan for which they are ready to push our people to greater dangers and play with our destiny.

In Afghanistan every day we are mourning civilian casualties as a result of the US/NATO bombardments and use of illegal weapons. In my own hometown, over 150 civilians, many of them women and children, were brutally killed when the US warplanes dropped 2000-pound bombs on two villages. Dropping thousands of cluster bombs and use of depleted-uranium and white phosphorus in bombs rained on Afghanistan have caused terrible environmental and health problems in my country.

The people of Australia should know that the people of Afghanistan want peace, liberation and democracy, but the current occupation is exactly against these values and have doubled our miseries and problems. We have come to the point that achieving these values is the sole responsibility of our people and its democratic-minded forces, those who claim to donate us these values will only push us toward slavery.

I believe that the Australian government follows the wrong policies of the US government in Afghanistan and wastes the tax-payers money. The money they are spending and the lives they are sacrificing is not for our poor people, but rather it adds to our miseries. So you should continue to put pressure on your government to pull out of Afghanistan.

Afghan women and children are the prime victims of this catastrophic situation. Rape, miss-treatment and other forms of violence against women is increasing rapidly but a reign of impunity prevails across Afghanistan for the warlords and drug-lords.

The “war on terror” is in fact a war against Afghan people. Billions of Dollars are spent under the name of war on terror, but Taliban and other terrorist groups are getting powerful day by day, despite the presence of over 100,000 foreign troops, Taliban have permanent presence in 80% of Afghanistan and impose their rule on the people.

Afghan people have found by experience in the past few years that the West once used us in its chess game during the Cold War, which cost us over two million lives and complete destruction of Afghanistan’s infrastructure. Now they are trying to use us in another such power struggle against its rising rivals in Asia. Therefore we say no to this occupation and want all the troops to withdraw Afghanistan as soon as possible.

Only those nations who liberate themselves can be free and we are ready to give any sacrifices for our freedom. We are happy that while Western governments bomb us, the great and peace loving people of these countries stand in solidarity with us and raise their voice against wrong-doings of their governments. Your solidarity and support gives us encouragement and determination to fight for justice and true democracy in Afghanistan till the end.

Let's join your hands with the democratic groups and anti war people of my country who are the only alternative for the bright future of Afghanistan.

I send my salutations to glorious anti-war movement in Australia and across the world.


Malalai Joya

Rally Debrief Meeting

To discuss the possibility of ongoing campaigning against Afghanistan war
6.30pm Tues, Oct 13, Trades Hall - Cnr Lygon & Victoria Sts, Carlton
For more info call 0407 070 841

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Media Release

Rally calls for Troops out of Afghanistan

On Saturday October 10 a rally will be held to mark the 8th anniversary since the invasion of Afghanistan.

The protest is calling for Australian troops to be withdrawn immediately; for refugee status for asylum seekers fleeing the war; genuine civilian based reconstruction aid; and funding for independent women's rights groups in Afghanistan.

Rally organiser Trent Hawkins said, “Australia’s military presence has served to legitimise America’s war, and after 8 years ordinary Afghans have seen little benefit while the Taliban has only grown stronger.

“Recent polls have shown that 65% of Australians oppose sending more troops, and 51% oppose the war.

“Meanwhile the US is considering sending more troops to continuing propping up this failed war, and it’s only a matter of time before our government follows suit.”

The protest will march onto the Victoria Army Barracks, where a number of large photos showing the victims of the war will be displayed.

Trent Hawkins said, “The aim of this symbolic action is to show governments and those who still support the war, the real impact of our military presence.”

“This is not a protest against the troops, but rather we want to appeal to their conscience and convince them not to participate in this war.”

“Moreover we want to put pressure on Rudd to listen to the majority of Australians and bring all troops home.”

The rally has been endorsed by a number of Trade Unions including the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (Vic Branch), Electrical Trades Union (Vic Branch), Maritime Union of Australia (Vic Branch), National Tertiary Education Union (Vic Division), and the Victorian Trades Hall Council. It has also been endorsed by a number of peace groups, left wing organisations and women’s rights groups.

Speakers include Melbourne University Chaplan Wes Campbell, MUA State Secretary Kevin Bracken, US anti-war activist Nellie Wong, Refugee Rights advocate Pamela Curr, and a speaker from the Afghan community.

The rally starts at 12 noon at City Square, Cnr Collins and Swanston Sts, in Melbourne.

More information is available online at

For media comment ring Trent on 0407 070 841

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Join the Facebook group

Rally Against Afghanistan War -

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Text for promoting

March & Rally


Bring the troops home!

*Refugee status for asylum seekers fleeing the war
*Genuine civilian based reconstruction aid
*Fund independent women's rights groups in Afghanistan

Life is getting worse for ordinary Afghans, life expectancy is now only 43 years, adult literacy is just 24% and the UN estimates that 4654 civilians have died since January 2007. 65% of Australians oppose sending more troops, and 51% oppose the war. Meanwhile the governments of the world are planning to send more troops to prop up this failed war.

Rally is being held during an international month of action against the war.

Assemble 12 noon Saturday October 10
@ City Square, cnr Swanston & Collins Sts, City

Followed by a march to the Victoria Army Barracks where photos of the real victims of the war on Afghanistan will be displayed.

For information, phone Trent 0407 070 841

Endorsed by 3CR, Australia Asia Worker Links, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (Vic Branch), Campaign for International Cooperation & Disarmament, Communication Workers Union, CEPU Communications Division (Victorian Telecommunications and Services Branch), CFMEU (Victorian Mining and Energy division), Electrical Trades Union (Vic Branch), Federation of Australian Muslim Students and Youth, Feminist Peace Network, Freedom Socialist Party, Geelong Trades Hall Council, Global Sisterhood Network, Hills Peace Committee, Japanese for Peace, Maritime Union of Australia (Vic Branch), National Tertiary Education Union (Vic Division), Radical Women, Resistance, Revolutionary Socialist Party, Socialist Alliance, Socialist Alternative, Solidarity, Stand Fast, Victorian Trades Hall Council,

Eight reasons to get out of Afghanistan

1. Life is getting worse for most Afghans under occupation. Life expectancy is 43 years. Access to water is 31% of households. Adult literacy is just 24%. Some 50% of children are malnourished.
2. More and more people are dying. The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan has estimated that 4654 civilians have died between January 2007 and June 2009, however total deaths haven’t been collected. 1370 coalition troops have died since beginning of war.
3. The coalition forces are spreading the war into Pakistan. Military raids and unmanned drones have taken the war into the North-West Frontier regions of Pakistan. Under US pressure the Pakistan army has attacked the Swat valley and displaced some 2 million people.
4. The war has cost us billions over the past 8 years. The Rudd government has budgeted the Afghanistan war to cost $1.2 billion in 2009-10, a 50% increase over previous years along with another 500 troops.
5. We were told that the war in Afghanistan would liberate women. Recent figures show that only 4% of women reach 10th grade schooling, and violence against women is endemic. In a bid for fundamentalist support, the Karzai government has passed a law allowing rape in marriage.
6. The war has not brought democracy. Preliminary figures indicate that only 30% voted in the recent elections. US backed Hamid Karzai has been implicated in fraud involving up to 800 fake polling booths and another 800 were used to register fake votes. Many are comparing Karzai with South Vietnamese president Ngo Dinh Diem.
7. The majority of the world wants the troops to leave. An Age/Nielsen poll in March revealed 65% opposed Kevin Rudd's decision to send more troops there and 51% opposed the war outright. These figures are mirrored in America and Britain. 75% of Americans are opposed to any troop increases.
8.The majority of Afghans do not want the war. Malalai Joya, an elected Afghan MP and women’s rights advocate, recently toured Australia saying that “people are squashed today between two enemies: an internal and an external enemy ... if the troops withdraw, then it is an easier fight with one enemy”.

Poster and leaflet